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Chopper was my husband and I's first pet together. We got him as a puppy, and he is now 6 years old! He is a Chinese Shar Pei, Australian Cattle Dog, and American Pit Bull Terrier Mix. He was raised around lots of cats and other small pets like rats and rabbits, so his first instinct when he meets a new animal is to try and make friends with them. He loves all of our cats, but his best buddy is our male cat Gus. Their personalities fit so well together. Chopper is also an emotional support animal for my partner, and is so receptive to humans and their emotions. I truly don't know what we would do without him.


Adelaide was the first Maine Coon we got, and is the reason we fell so in love with the breed. We got her back in 2018 in Indiana just before moving across the country to Colorado, so she has had quite an adventurous and spoiled life. She is always napping on the window hammocks or cat trees, and demands food when she knows it's almost dinner time. She is just the perfect balance of independent and loving. Although she is always happy to cuddle and get pets, she also is perfectly content just being in your presence if that's what you prefer in that moment. We are very lucky to have her in our family.

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